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Name Sprite Description Properties Attack Defense Interval(s) Weight Hands Sell(cc) Buy(cc) Dropped By
Knife Knife.png 6 1 1.0 100g 1 5 25

Goblin.pngRioter 1.pngTrow.png

Shiv Shiv.png 10 1 1.0 100g 1 10 50

Rioter 1.pngRioter 2.png

Hunting Knife Hunting knife.png 12 2 1.0 180g 1 20

Forest Imp.pngProtectorate Knight.pngWiralof.pngWirathistle.png

Short Dirk Short dirk.png 13 3 1.0 100g 1 30

Gloptoad.pngRioter 1.pngRioter 3.pngZombie Plaguebearer.pngQuest Reward

Parrying Dagger Parrying dagger.png Increases melee damage and hit chance even when used in the offhand.
12% melee
10% hit chance
14 19 1.2 140g 1 150

Protectorate Knight.pngWiralof.png Lord Volent.pngMogrash Blacktooth.pngSal Cotton.png

Incubal Dagger Incubal Dagger.png Increases melee damage and hit chance even when used in the offhand.
14% melee
10% hit chance
14 20 1.2 350g 1 3700

Crimson Golem.png

Curved Knife Curved knife.png 15 5 1.1 200g 1 35

Orc Beastmaster.pngOrc Bowman.pngOrc Brute.png

Triblade Claw Triblade claw.png 15 1 0.9 150g 1 120

Orc Beastmaster.png

Dagger Dagger.png 16 4 1.0 200g 1 105 1050

Forest Imp.pngGloptoad.pngManed Trow.pngOrc Beastmaster.pngOrc Bowman.pngOutlaw Thief.pngSkeleton.pngTrow.png Fastfoot Rufus.png Quest Reward

Corvo Dagger Corvo dagger.png 17 2 1.0 190g 1 160

Orc Savage.pngProtectorate Knight.pngRioter 1.pngRioter 3.pngWiralof.pngWirathistle.pngWitch.pngZombie.pngZombie Fiend.pngZombie Plaguebearer.png Mogrash Blacktooth.pngWitch Freia.pngWitch Keka.pngWitch Rosice.png

Spheral Handblade Spheral handblade.png Increases melee damage and hit chance even when used in the offhand.
2% melee
2% hit chance
18 2 0.9 350g 1 450

Babau.pngBar-gura.pngGath'Moth.pngQuasit.pngQuest Reward

Hunting Dagger Hunting dagger.png 18 4 1.0 250g 1 220

Orc Legionnaire.pngOrc Savage.pngOutlaw Thief.pngPisaura.pngPredator.pngProtectorate Knight.pngWiralof.pngZombie Plaguebearer.png Fastfoot Rufus.pngMogrash Blacktooth.png

Rondel Dagger Rondel dagger.png 18 6 1.2 200g 1 75

Outlaw Thief.pngZombie Plaguebearer.png Fastfoot Rufus.png

Horrorblade Horrorblade.png 19 4 0.9 300g 1 800

Snow Warg.pngWarg.png

Baselard Baselard.png 19 8 1.2 225g 1 95

Gloptoad.pngGoblin.pngOrc Brute.pngPisaura.pngZombie Fiend.pngZombie Plaguebearer.png

Combat Dagger Combat dagger.png 20 4 1.0 250g 1 300

Archenaid.pngGloptoad.pngPisaura.pngPredator.pngSkeleton Warrior.pngZombie Plaguebearer.png Shrachlor.png

Thief's Dagger Thiefs dagger.png 20 2 0.9 150g 1 2200

​ ​ Quest Reward

Hellhorn Handblade Hellhorn handblade.png Increases melee damage and hit chance even when used in the offhand.
4% melee
4% hit chance
21 2 0.9 450g 1 3700 50000


Rageborn Handblade Rageborn handblade.png Increases melee damage and hit chance even when used in the offhand.
5% melee
5% hit chance
21 2 0.8 550g 1 ?

Lord Volent.png

Falcon Dagger Falcon dagger.png 22 5 1.0 300g 1 1300

Predator.pngProtectorate Knight.pngWiralof.pngWirathistle.pngZombie Plaguebearer.png

Dirk Dirk.png 23 3 1.0 560g 1 3500

Archenaid.pngPredator.pngProtectorate Knight.pngWiralof.pngWitch.png Fastfoot Rufus.pngLord Volent.pngWitch Freia.pngWitch Rosice.png

Jagged Dagger Jagged dagger.png 25 7 1.0 250g 1 5400

Gloptoad.pngOrc Legionnaire.pngOrc Savage.png Mogrash Blacktooth.png

Ritual Dagger Ritual dagger.png Increases melee damage and hit chance even when used in the offhand.
3% melee
3% hit chance
25 3 1.0 450g 1 6400

Babau.pngGath'Moth.pngOrc Magus.pngQuasit.pngWitch.png Lord Volent.pngSirl Imparo.pngWitch Freia.pngWitch Keka.pngWitch Rosice.png

Thellweave Dirk Thellweave dirk.png
8% support
25 4 0.9 400g 1 6750

Witch Rosice.png

Thunderpeak Thunderpeak.png Greed for power, a heavy burden of guilt
5% melee
5% hit chance
3% support
3 dexterity
26 12 1.0 1.2kg 1

​ ​ Quest Reward

Dagger of Cerissa Dagger of Cerissa.png Named after a lost love, it holds both beauty and menace within its delicate form
10 dexterity
28 9 1.0 150g 1 7000

Mordrir Skyfire.png