Extract from: The Wonders of Alchemy

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Book4.pngBook11.png Extract from: The Wonders of Alchemy
Author(s): Terix Bridgewater
Location: Empo Sar, Mirai
Description: -


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The Wonders of Alchemy
by Terix Bridgewater

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Chapter 4: Volatile mixtures

The flexibility of use for certain mixtures has always interested me deeply. For instance: sulphur, nitrer, and dragon bone. The uses of these three compounds has fascinated me for years, to show their flexibility of use:

5 gra sulphur, +2 du nitrer, +1 qi dragon bone powder =
1 bag of soap flakes (16 ounces)
3 gra sulphur, +1 du nitrer, +1 qi dragon bone powder =
1 bag of blinding black powder (10 ounces)
17 gra sulphur, +4 du nitrer, +2 dragon bone powder =
1 barrel of volatile sulphorium (39 ounces)
10 gra sulphur, +5 du nitrer, +2 qi dragon bone powder =
1 small barrel of Fithilius (the most potent and destructive explosive known!)