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cc = Copper Coins
Name Sprite Description Armor Magic Defense Properties Weight Dropped by Quest reward Sell (cc) Buy (cc)
Goggles Goggles.png These goggles protect the wearer's eyes from hazardous chemicals. 1 - - 270g Goblin Summoner No 320 2150
Outlaw Hood Outlaw hood.png - 1 - - 360g Outlaw Hunter No 8 40
Padded Cap Padded cap.png - 1 - - 350g Trow, Maned Trow, Goblin, Orc Bowman No 6 30
Shamanic hood Somebodys hood.png - 1 4 +4% Destruction, +2% Support 140g Orc Magus No 280 2800
Zodiac Mask Zodiac mask.png When you look through the mask's eyeholes, the world somehow feels colder and less familiar. 1 5 +4% Nature, +2% Destructiion 480g Goblin Summoner No 600 6000
Conjurer's Hat Conjurer's hat.png - 1 3 +2% Protection, +2% Support 200g Goblin Summoner, Goblin Witchmaster No 35 220
Leather Cap Leather cap.png - 2 - - 1.4kg Goblin, Orc Hunter, Outlaw Hunter, Zombie, Zombie Plaguebearer No 10 50
Sal Cotton's Bandana Sal cottons bandana.png - 2 - - 600g Sal Cotton No - -
Bronze Cap Bronze cap.png - 3 1 - 2.0kg Skeleton, Skeleton Warrior, Orc Legionnaire, Warg No 40 225
Chainmail Coif Chainmail coif.png - 3 1 - 2.5kg Outlaw Hunter, Outlaw Bandit, Cave Troll, Warg No 20 120
Bronze Kettle Hat Bronze kettle hat.png - 4 1 - 1.8kg Outlaw Hunter, Outlaw Bandit, Rioter, Warg No 45 300
Mancer Helmet Mancer helmet.png - 4 4 +6% Destruction 2.4kg Nysandra No 4000 60000
Stone Helmet Stone helmet.png - 5 1 Dexterity -8, Magic Defense +1 7.1kg Soil Golem No 35 200
Barbarian Helmet Barbarian helmet.png - 5 1 - 1.7kg Orc Legionnaire No 50 360
Fern Battle Helmet Fern battle helmet.png - 6 1 - 2.5kg Skeleton Warrior, Zombie Plaguebearer No 80 650
Plated Helmet Plated helmet.png - 6 2 - 2.9kg Outlaw Hunter, Outlaw Bandit, Cave Troll, Skeleton Warrior, Orc Legionnaire, Orc Savage, Predator No 70 550
Malieran silverweave helmet Unknown helmet.png - 6 2 +2% Melee 2kg Protectorate Knight, Wirathistle No 80 650
Horned Helmet Horned helmet.png - 7 1 - 3.4kg Hill Giant Rhoburn Orc Fort Storehold 40 320
Bronze Helmet Bronze helmet.png - 7 3 - 3.1kg Outlaw Bandit, Rioter, Warg, Zombie Plaguebearer No 90 700
Tainted Helmet Tainted helmet.png - 7 3 - 2.8kg Orc Savage, Zombie Plaguebearer No 90 700
Silver Helmet Silver helmet.png - 8 3 - 3.7kg Protectorate Knight Yes 60 425
Beastmaster Helmet Beastmaster helmet.png - 8 3 +4% Support 3.8kg Orc Beastmaster No 150 1500
Warrior Helmet Warrior helmet.png - 9 3 - 3.8kg Skeleton Warrior, Zombie Plaguebearer, Protectorate Knight No 220 2200
Malieran Battle Robe Helmet Malieran battle robe helmet.png - 9 4 - 3.2kg Skeleton Warrior, Protectorate Knight No 280 2700
Wartroll Barbuta Helmet Wartroll barbuta helmet.png Forged by orc smiths from a single sheet of bronze, this helm is as tough as it is heavy and cumbersome. It is astonishing that it even fits a human head. 10 5 - 5.2kg Cave Troll, Protectorate Knight No 340 3600
Paladin Helmet Paladin Helmet2.png - 11 4 +3% Protection 3.2kg Sal Cotton, Archenaid, Protectorate Knight No 800 8000
Bascinet Helmet Bascinet helmet.png - 12 4 - 5.5kg Predator, Hill Giant, Protectorate Knight No 1500 18000
Knight Helmet Knight helmet.png - 13 5 - 4.1kg Archenaid, Protectorate Knight No 2600 30600
Giant Battle Helmet Giant battle helmet.png - 14 5 - 6.8kg Hill Giant No 3300 39000
Warlord Helmet Warlord helmet.png - 16 5 - 4.1kg Hill Giant No 7000 99000
Horseman Helmet Horseman helmet.png  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ? No  ?  ?